The News
Sunday 23 of February 2025

Just Another Trump Bashing

Donald Trump attends a campaign event at Windham High School in Windham, New Hampshire,photo: AP/Eric Thayer
Donald Trump attends a campaign event at Windham High School in Windham, New Hampshire,photo: AP/Eric Thayer
Most analysts saw the belated show of support as a too-little-too-late addendum

I swore to myself I wouldn’t write another column on Donald Trump.

He’s just too easy a target, and besides, everyone else keepings taking aim at him, so the topic gets old fast.

More importantly, it seems that the more publicity Trump gets — negative or otherwise (and it is usually the former) — the more people seem to flock to support him.

But last couple of weeks, Trump’s political antics really went beyond the pale (okay, most of his previous antics did too) when he managed to start a verbal war with the parents of a fallen war hero, refused to endorse his own party candidates and, as his poll numbers mysteriously seem to drop (in no way, of course, influenced by his own political blunders), declared that the entire U.S. electoral system is rigged.

So here I am again, hopefully beating a dead (political) horse to death as I once again point out what has already been said by hundreds of other columnists and pundits and which should be abundantly obvious to any U.S. voter with an IQ above 80: Donald Trump is a crazed megalomaniac with a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder who seems hell-bent on waging war with virtually everyone.

Yup, no matter who you are, Trump has you in his sight, from Mexico (which he claims will pay for a wall to keep drug-dealing, rapist illegal aliens from entering the United States), to China (whose exports he has promised to tax to the hilt in order to balance out trade and bring jobs and prosperity back home), to Islam (by saying he will ban all Muslims from entering the United States), to crying infants (who he said have no place in campaign rallies — oops, so much for political baby-kissing clichés), to Europe (which he has refused to rule out using nuclear bombs against — watch out, Angela Merkel, you thought you were in trouble when the NSA was tapping your cell phone, but now the Donald is ready to nuke you if Volkswagen doesn’t man up and agree to pay full compensation to U.S. Jetta and Passat owners for Dieselgate).

Granted, the former reality star and real estate mogul has yet to announce an armed assault on Canada, but he is no doubt considering demanding that Ottawa pay for the U.S. Airway plane that crashed in the Hudson River in 2009, since the cause for the disaster was accredited to a flock of Canadian geese.

But, for now, Trump is busy waging war against his own party.

Yes, the GOP presidential candidate is ranting and raving against the Republican Party itself.

The anti-establishment billionaire from the financial establishment who promised to unite the party and make America great again has turned into a Frankenstein monster out to slay his creator.

And forget about the Republicans who spurned him during the convention. Trump initially refused to endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain, even though both of them took a big swallow and (gulp) endorsed him for the presidency.

He finally caved in and gave a lukewarm endorsement to the duo on Friday, but most analysts saw the belated show of support as a too-little-too-late addendum.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your own face.

It looks like Trump has finally reached the self-destruct mode.

So maybe — at last, at long last — the Trumpkinites are going to tell their political apprentice, “You’re fired.”

One can only hope.

Thérèse Margolis can be reached at [email protected].