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Veracruz Governor Calls to End Vandalism

VERACRUZ, VERACRUZ, 05ENERO2017.- Dos personas del sexo masculino fueron baleadas frente a una casa de empeño que ha sido saqueada, se desconoce si los ahora occisos fueron atacados por la misma gente que acudió a robar o fueron los policías. FOTO: ILSE HUESCA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Governor Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares said the arrival of the first group of the National Gendarmerie will tighten security in the state. “Criminals will be met with a strong hand. We will be firm against those who engage in violent acts and those who provoke them,” said Yunes Linares.

Yunes Linares added that along with the National Gendarmerie, the Navy, Mexican Army, Civil Forces and state police also participate in the ongoing Security Operation in Veracruz.

“Nothing justifies irrational and meaningless violence, it has no other motivation than theft and looting,” stated the Veracruz governor.

Over 300 people have been arrested and subject to criminal processes according to Yunes Linares.