Alejandro Jaime Gómez Sánchez, State of Mexico Attorney General, confirmed that, according to graphology tests, the letter in which the bodyguard involved in the assault of a driver in Tlalpan accuses his former employer –businessman Alberto Sentíes– was indeed written by him prior to his death.

The State of Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (PGJEM) pointed out that, since the body of Sergio González Ibarra was found last Thursday in a hotel in Atizapán, various tests were undertaken allowing to rule out that he was poisoned. It was also concluded that the place were he died bore no traces of fighting or struggling.
Gómez Sánchez said that pathology tests still underway would give further reasons for the myocardial infarction that killed the bodyguard, and would be ready within 48 hours.
Finally, sources from the PGJEM have officially discarded asking González Ibarra’s former employer to testify on his death, as no proofs lead to believe that any third party was involved in the bodyguard’s death.