The Natural Resources and Environmental Secretariat (Semarnat) signed an agreement with the National Security Commission (CNS), in which the foundations of the collaboration to create a specialized group, which will be called the Environmental Gendarmerie, were set.
This agency will be tasked with the prevention of crimes and administrative offenses regarding legislation on environmental protection, among other things.
Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, head of the Semarnat, said that one of the priorities of his administration is the preservation of the enormous biodiversity of Mexico. It will be necessary to combat the threats to protected natural areas, such as logging, poaching, invasions and wildlife smuggling, he added.
Renato Sales Heredia, head of the CNS, said that his agency, through the Federal Police, is constitutionally empowered to investigate and prevent crimes. Regarding environmental issues, they will not make exceptions because crimes relating to the environment are of such importance that they will be addressed with the same seriousness as regular crimes.
The creation of the Environmental Gendarmerie will be an important step toward the Thirteenth Conference of the Parties (COP13) summit on biological diversity, which will be held in Cancun, Quintana Roo, in December.