The News
Friday 28 of March 2025

Semar Denies Involvement in Shootings in Tamaulipas

Semar Secretary Vidal Francisco Soberón Sanz, at a press conference in Tampico, Tamaulipas, February 13, 2017,photo: Cuartoscuro/Saúl López
Semar Secretary Vidal Francisco Soberón Sanz, at a press conference in Tampico, Tamaulipas, February 13, 2017,photo: Cuartoscuro/Saúl López
Semar said that in the moments before the events took place, shots were fired on three different occasions at members of the Armed Forces

The Navy Secretariat (Semar), denied involvement in the events that took place on the streets of Riot Álamo and Rio Purificación in the neighborhood of Prolongación Longoria de Reynosa in Tamaulipas, where two people were injured.

In a public statement, Semar said that in the moments before the events took place, shots were fired on three different instances, directed at members of the Armed Forces.

The actions taken by the officers are said to have been in accordance with the handbook that dictates how the Mexican Navy, Army and Airforce should act when using force.

Navy personnel is said to have fired back in order to defend their lives and to protect civilians.

The first shots took place in the neighborhood of Las Fuentes de Reynosa, where three moving vehicles fired upon navy personnel, who took shelter in a house, and managed to fire some shots in order to repel the aggressors.

Later that night while patrolling the neighborhood of Jacinto López II, several vehicles took shots at navy officers and damaged several cars that were parked in the area.

The third event took place in the area of the Libramiento Oriente, where a moving vehicle took shots at navy personnel.

Marines fired back, two assailants were killed and a vehicle and weapons were recovered.

Personnel from the The State Attorney General’s Office (PGJE) of Tamaulipas arrived at the scene, along with forensic personnel and an agent for the Public Prosecutor’s office in order to take statements and handle the scene.