The News
Wednesday 12 of March 2025

Segob Reiterates Commitment to Eradicate Torture in Mexico

Roberto Campa Cifrián, undersecretary of Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat (Segob)
Roberto Campa Cifrián, undersecretary of Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat (Segob)
The National Security Commission launched a National Police Training in Human Rights Program

Roberto Campa Cifrián, undersecretary of Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat (Segob), said that the government is committed to eradicate the practice of torture throughout the country. “Torture is not justified under any circumstance, even during worst case scenarios, because it is such serious violation of human rights that we can’t allow any exceptions,” he said.

51002073. México 02 Oct 2015 (Notimex-José Pazos).-En conferencia de prensa, el subsecretario de Derechos Humanos de Gobernación, Roberto Campa Cifrían, afirmo que el gobierno mexicano refrenda su absoluta apertura y compromiso con la transparencia para trabajar de la mano con la CIDH y otras instancias internacionales en el ramo. NOTIMEX/FOTO/JOSÉ PAZOS/JPF/POL
Roberto Campa Cifrián, undersecretary of Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat (Segob). Photo: Notimex/José Pazos

During the launch of the National Police Training in Human Rights Program of the National Security Commission in San Luis Potosí, Campa Cifrián said that police officers of any agency should be genuine defenders of human rights.

“The time has come to fully eradicate this practice,” he said. In order to follow up on this effort, it is necessary that laws and institutions help personal efforts at all levels and fields regarding the issue, he added.

The Segob hopes that the launching of the program, which is carefully designed to meet its planned objectives, will represent a breakthrough in human rights.

“Torture in itself is a factor which breeds violence, not something that provides security. In addition, an investigation based on torture has no legal value and does not guarantee getting to the truth,” said Campa Cifrián.

That is why the orders from President Enrique Peña Nieto to Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, head of the Segob, is to prioritize this issue in the human rights policy.

60331086. México, 31 Mar 2016 (Notimex-Blanca Zumaya).- Se llevó a cabo la entrega del Parque de Barrio en la colonia Lomas del Pedregal en Reynosa, Tamaulipas, por parte del secretario de Gobernación, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, y el director general de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), José Antonio González Anaya. NOTIMEX/FOTO/BLANCA ZUMAYA/COR/POL/
Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, head of the Segob, is to prioritize this issue in the human rights policy. Photo: Notimex/Blanca Zumaya