The News
Saturday 29 of March 2025

Rescue at Escuela Enrique Rébasmen Suspended, Teacher's Body Retrieved

Rescue work was suspended at the Enrique Rebsamen school, after the partial collapse of part of the building,photo: Luis Carbayo/Cuartoscuro
Rescue work was suspended at the Enrique Rebsamen school, after the partial collapse of part of the building,photo: Luis Carbayo/Cuartoscuro
Navy spokesman José Luis Vergara said that the body of a teacher has been retrieved but the rescue will continue until all possibilities are exhausted

Mexico City — This morning, a slight collapse in one of the points where the rescuers were working in the Escuela Enrique Rébsamen forced the momentary suspension of the work.

Navy spokesman José Luis Vergara said that the work will continue until all possibilities are exhausted, but that it is of vital importance to make contact with the relatives of the missing children.

This is in order to gather information about how the children are dressed and their physical characteristics. He said, “We have been working for 12 hours and no relatives have come to provide information.”

He also confirmed the death of a teacher, aged over 50, whose body was removed from the rubble. He asked the help of the mobile public prosecutor of the area to deliver the teacher’s body to relatives.

Navy authorities are looking for the three families who have their children under the rubble, for confirmation that the children are still missing.