The National Energy Control Center (CENACE) initiated the first long-term public auction for electric energy in the Mexican market, with 81 participants that will compete for the offer of potency, electric energy and Electric Energy Certificates (CEL).

For the first time in the country’s history and as a part of the energy reform, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) as provider of basic services seeks to buy 500 megawatts of potency, 6.3 million megawatts-per-hour of energy and 6.3 million Clean Energy Certificates.
The contenders qualified by the CENACE, who will carry out the auction, will offer this demand while resorting to clean energies such as photovoltaic solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic energy, geothermic energy, and others.
The companies presented their technical offers last February for one or various of the required products, turning in technical and financial documents to support their proposals and guarantee their seriousness. In total, the CENACE received a total of 350 offers.
This Tuesday, businessmen presented through an electronic platform their economic proposals, so that trough a model of optimization the offers can be compared and the winners determined by March 30.
The contracts will be marked by the CFE and the qualified firms by July 12th at the latest, for a period of 15 to 20 years.

With the acquisition of CEL, the CFE will be able to fulfill its obligation to generate at least 5 percent of its electric demand with environment-friendly resources by the year 2018.
According to the Energy Secretariat (Sener), this process will allow low-cost financing of the investments that Mexico requires to reach its goals in terms of clean energy, install sufficient capacity to ensure the reliability of supply and render the production of electric energy more efficient.
“With the auctions the electric sector is being pushed towards greater efficiency while keeping prices low in a sustained and sustainable manner. On the long term this will motivate the modernization of electric plants in the country”, had previously stated the Sener.