The News
Tuesday 04 of March 2025

Protocol for the Transfer of Young Internees to Medical Services Established

General view shows the Papantla federal prison, currently under construction, in Papantla, Veracruz state, Mexico, September 8, 2016,photo: Reuters/Oscar Martínez
General view shows the Papantla federal prison, currently under construction, in Papantla, Veracruz state, Mexico, September 8, 2016,photo: Reuters/Oscar Martínez
A new protocol to care for the physical and mental well-being of young inmates will come into force on Thursday

Mexico – People in custody or complying with a period of internment will be effectively transferred to a medical unit or hospital in the Network of the Health Secretariat, so that they can receive the care they require.

This protocol for the channeling of the health services to adolescents or young adults within communities or specialized centers is under the control of the General Directorate of Treatment for Adolescents and will come into force on Thursday.

This is intended to guarantee, safeguard and comply with the human rights granted by the Constitution to prisoners or the internal population of specialized centers, such as the right to health, which should be timely, free and specialized.

Those who enter or leave any of the specialized centers must be issued a medical certificate that details their psychological and physical status, in order to know their physical and mental state.

The public servant who, without justified cause, refuses or is disregarded to provide assistance will be sanctioned immediately.