ACAPULCO, Guerrero – The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) penalized and suspended 15 tortilla shops in Chilpancingo and Acapulco for failing to display prices and for giving customers less than what they paid for.

Profeco delegate, Saúl Montufar Mendoza, said in an official statement that inspecting tortilla shops is part of the National Tortilla Operation, which aims to guarantee that crimes are not committed involving this basic food product.
In Chilpancingo, two tortilla shops had their services suspended for not displaying the price for a kilogram of tortillas.
In Acapulco, 15 tortilla shops were suspended from providing services for failing to give out a full kilogram to customers.
The federal official said that one shop was also suspended in Iguala for not supplying a proof of purchase to customers.
Montufar Mendoza said that the operation will continue in all states in order to guarantee the regulation of this staple to the Mexican diet.