The News
Monday 10 of March 2025

Profeco Intensifies Verification of Gas Stations

The Federal Consumer Protection Agency is tackling deficient  gas stations,photo: Cuartoscuro/Moisés Pablo
The Federal Consumer Protection Agency is tackling deficient gas stations,photo: Cuartoscuro/Moisés Pablo
The Federal Consumer Protection Agency plans to verify half of the country's gas stations this year

The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco)has strengthened its actions to verify gas stations all over Mexico, to guarantee that consumer rights are being respected.

A Profeco representative inspects a gas pump in Mexico City. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Moisés Pablo
A Profeco representative inspects a gas pump in Mexico City. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Moisés Pablo

Until Mayo 30, Profeco has implemented 621 verifications in as many gas stations in the whole country, immobilizing 2,736 gas pump hoses for various irregularities.

In a statement, Profeco detailed that the main causes were electronic alterations, pumping incomplete liters and deficient security standards.

In the last 18 months, 15 gas stations refused to receive the Profeco’s verification visit. In the cases where the refusal has occurred repeatedly, Profeco warned that conditions could be met for Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) to cancel their franchise.

These gas stations are located in the states of Chiapas, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Nuevo León and Baja California Sur. A gas station in Tijuana has already been closed for failing to comply with verifications.

The verification program seeks to verify 6, 000 gas stations this year, more than half of the 11, 600 currently operating nationwide.