The News
Wednesday 22 of January 2025

Poor Air Quality in Four Valley of Mexico Areas

Air quality in the Valley of Mexico remains a problem,Photo: Notimex/Gustavo Durán
Air quality in the Valley of Mexico remains a problem,Photo: Notimex/Gustavo Durán
The Simat recommended limiting prolonged outdoor exertion

The Atmospheric Monitoring System (Simat) reported that pollution due to particulate matter in the air has reached over 100 Metropolitan Index of Air Quality (Imeca) units throughout six State of Mexico municipalities. The Azcapotzalco and Venustiano Carranza boroughs in Mexico City are also affected.

According to the Simat report, Ecatepec showed up to 112 Imeca units; Coacalco showed 110 units; Tultitlán showed 106; Chalco and Tepoztlán showed 105; and Atizapán showed 101 units. Areas next to these neighborhoods showed 104 Imeca units.

60405072. México, 6 Abr. 2016 (Notimex-Gustavo Durán).- Cuatro de las cinco zonas que conforman el valle de México tienen “mala” calidad del aire, toda vez que superan los 100 puntos Imeca, siendo la noreste la más contaminada por partículas suspendidas, informó el Sistema de Monitoreo Atmosférico (Simat). NOTIMEX/FOTO/ GUSTAVO DURAN/GDH/ENV/
Air quality in several areas of the Valley of Mexico is still poor. Photo: Notimex/Gustavo Durán

The Northeast region reached 112 Imeca units; the Northwest region showed 106 units; the Central region showed 104; and the Southwest region showed only 55 Imeca units, where air quality is considered “average.”

The Simat recommended limiting prolonged outdoor exertion for children, the elderly, people who regularly practice intense outdoor physical activity, and those affected with respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.