The News
Saturday 15 of March 2025

Official Favors Evaluating decriminalization of Recreational Marijuana Use

Mariana Benítez Tiburcio, deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party welcomed that there was a greater openness in the debate on marijuana

Mariana Benítez Tiburcio, former Deputy Attorney General on Legal and International Matters of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), spoke out in favor of making a minute evaluation of a possible decriminalization of marijuana for leisure and recreational use.

Mariana Benítez Tiburcio of the Institutional Revolutionary Party see the debate as part of an inexorable process. Photo: Cuartoscuro.
Mariana Benítez Tiburcio of the Institutional Revolutionary Party see the debate as part of an inexorable process. Photo: Cuartoscuro.

Interviewed after assisting the presentation of the document “Proposal for a reform in the cases of women jailed for drug-related crimes in Mexico”, the deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) welcomed that there was a greater openness on the part of the federal government and many other actors, to debate in principle the regulation of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

The Oaxaca legislator reiterated that this debate is a necessary one, part of a inexorable process.

However, she added that the possibility of decriminalizing marijuana for recreational purposes  would have to be reviewed carefully and in detail.

“Above all we must put people at the center, women and men that are, in part, consumers. On the other hand, they are criminalized for consuming on top of the social costs of the wat against drug trafficking. There are various elements to be determined and we must proceed in parts, analyzing the direction we can take on this theme as a country.”

Decriminalisation of marijuana use has been a theme of going importance in the past moths. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Issac Esquivel.
Decriminalisation of marijuana use has been a theme of going importance in the past moths. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Issac Esquivel.

Recent studies from the Northwest Amen Neurological Clinic revealed that marijuana use for long periods of time causes significant damage in certain areas of of the brain, that involve attention, focus, motivation, learning, emotional stability as well as causing loss of memory.

Another study “Marijuana craving the brain” from the Mind Research Network, points out that any stimulating external substance that causes pleasure and makes you feel well causes modifications in the brain’s pleasure centres and intensifies the craving for reward after deprivation of the stimulating substance, generating a neurobiological pattern of addiction.

This study indicates that in the short term, marijuana consume represents a similar a risk similar to alcohol and tobacco.