The News
Thursday 06 of March 2025

Nuño Mayer: No Reason for IPN Strike

Strike continues in some National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) vocational schools,photo: Diego Simón Sánchez/Cuartoscuro
Strike continues in some National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) vocational schools,photo: Diego Simón Sánchez/Cuartoscuro
Despite agreement to dialogue, strike continues, says public education secretary

The strike at vocational schools of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) remains without reason, by a small group of radicals, said Public Education Secretary Aurelio Nuño Mayer.

After strikers claimed they no longer want a dialogue with the education secretary and will pursue it with the federal government, Nuño Mayer said, “Educational issues are handled by the Public Education Secretariat, and I say this with great clarity, so it is and so it will continue.”

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 06MAYO2016.- Aurelio Nuño, Secretario de Educación Pública a su llegada a la firma de convenios del Comité Nacional de Productividad con el sector autopartes realizado en Palacio Nacional. FOTO: SAÚL LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM
Public Education Secretary Aurelio Nuño Mayerspoke with students at Universidad Panamericana, Friday. Photo: Saúl López/Cuartoscuro

In the dialogue with students from the Universidad Panamericana he said, “When there are no reasons, when the concerns have been addressed, when dialogue was requested and immediately it was said yes, and then a change of opinion, and when they don’t keep their word, and call off the strike as had been committed, I think it’s a serious, complicated situation.”

The situation of closed schools is complicated for students in their last semester and seek to enter the next level.

“The future of many young people who have nothing to do with this issue, could be paying the consequences of a radical attitude and stubbornness of a minority,” said Nuño Mayer.

At the school where President Enrique Peña Nieto once studied, Nuño Mayer invited the students present “to use all their energy, their desire to change, to transform their environment and transform the country to focus on education; education changes people’s lives but also transforms the lives of families.”

The secretary referred to the case of vocational 5 where they have carried out two votes to decide whether to lift the strike “The vote won to end the strike, but still small radical groups do not want to let go and to leave those schools, that too is very serious,” he said.