The News

New Infonavit Leader

60217096. Ciudad de México, 17 Feb 2016 (Notimex-Presidencia).- El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó hoy, en la Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos, la reunión periódica del Gabinete México Incluyente, en la que instruyó a sus integrantes a reforzar las acciones en materia de combate a la pobreza. NOTIMEX/FOTO/PRESIDENCIA/FRE/POL/

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member David Pechyna Grub applied for a license, which will start on Tuesday, to assume the position of head of the National Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit).

David Pechyna Grub. Photo: @SomosNoticiasMX

President Enrique Peña Nieto proposed that Pechyna Grub take the place of Alejandro Murat Hunojosa, who was the nominated PRI candidate for the Oaxacan government.

The president said that the new director of Infonavit should continue with the Cuatro Más (Four More) strategy in order to fight the increase in value of one bedroom homes between 2002 and 2012.

In his application letter, Pechyna Grub expressed his gratitude and respect for the president of Mesa Directiva, Roberto Gil Zuarth and his colleagues for sharing his legislative work with them.

He also thanked the parliamentary coordinators for allowing him to serve as president of the Energy Commission.

Pechyna Grub applied for an undetermined amount of time.