The News

Nayarit State Prosecutor Accused of Drug Trafficking, Replaced

TPIC, NEAYARIT, 03JULIO2011.- Roberto Sandoval, candidato de la Coalicion Nayarit Nos Une, durante conferencia de prensa se declaro ganador de los comicios por un margen de mas de 40 mil votos. FOTO: CUARTOSCURO.COM

Nayarit State Prosecutor Edgar Veytia was arrested Wednesday in San Diego, California. Authorities confirmed that he was accused of crimes against public health.

Nayarit Gov. Roberto Sandoval Castañeda said that Veytia was detained in the United States and has appointed Carlos Roberto Rodríguez as the new state prosecutor.

In a press conference, Sandoval Castañeda said that the details of his arrest have not yet been released.

“U.S. authorities will release further details when they are made available. As of now this is all a matter of speculations, as there is no information regarding his innocence,” he said.