The News
Saturday 15 of March 2025

National Lottery Recognizes Quality and Excellence of UAEM

The National Lottery issued of a commemorative ticket for the 60th anniversary of the transformation of the Scientific and Literary Institute of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico

With the issuance of a commemorative ticket for the 60th anniversary of the transformation of the Scientific and Literary Institute of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, the National Lottery for Public Assistance recognized the Mexican educational institution for its outstanding contribution to training professionals of quality and excellence.

During the draw that took place on Wednesday March 2, led by the Technical Legal Director of the National Lottery, Luis Ocampo Gómez, the rector of the UAEM, Jorge Olvera Garcia, he said the university is one of the ten best higher education institutions in the country and ranks among the most important in Latin America.

In the historical building of the National Lottery, he noted that the Leading House of Studies is distinguished by placing first nationally for the number of quality educational programs; moreover, it is among the five universities with the highest number of postgraduates in the National Postgraduates of Quality Program (PNPC).

Accompanied by Secretary of Deans of the UAEM, Hiram Raúl Piña Libien, and the Attorney General of the institution, Benjamín Bernal Suárez, the rector underlined the work of the National Lottery for Public Assistance, with a tradition of 200 years of great social relevance.

A part of the draws were Laura Maricela Lutzow Torres; the representative of the Internal Control organization, Fermín Zamora Orihuela; the representative of the National Lottery General Legal Department, Aldo Peralta Anzurez, and the representative for the Interior Secretariat, César Dávila García; Jorge Olvera Garcia said that for six decades, intellectuals, philosophers, artists, scientists and humanists does give renown to the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, represents a pride for the country’s most populous entity, political, social and economic epicenter of the nation.

Luis Ocampo Gómez acknowledged that from the beginning, UAEM assumes a fundamental commitment to educate in professionalism and excellence, in order to forge alumni ready to face challenges with the tools of knowledge and science, under humanistic principles and social consciousness that promote genuine development.

60 years ago, he pointed out, the Leading House of Studies went through a substantial structural evolution that allowed it to expand its enrollment and academic offerings, as today it is distinguished as one of the best options for higher education in the country.