The News
Friday 14 of March 2025

Moreira backs gender equality


Gov. Moreira (C) led a meeting to discuss strategies for gender equality.


Coahuila Gov. Rubén Moreira Valdez, in his capacity as coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of the National Governors Conference (Conago), led the preparatory meeting for the Ninth Mexican Report on Compliance with the Recommendations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Since the beginning of his administration, he has been determined to create the Women Secretariat, formerly National Institute of Women, in order to strengthen mechanisms and strategies for the protection and defense of women’s rights, said Moreira Valdez.

For such a purpose, centers of justice and the empowerment of women already operating in Saltillo, Torreón, Frontera and Matamoros were created. Soon, a new center will open in Ciudad Acuña to attend to the female population of the Northern and Cinco Manantiales regions, he added.

The primary objective of its opening is to promote the economic, familial and personal sustainability of its users through projects, programs and activities that seek to develop their talents, knowledge and skills, as well as develop strategies to help the continuous improvement of the operation and implementation of the programs that are held there, said Moreira Valdez.

At the initiative of Moreira Valdez, all states will participate in the preparation of the report, with emphasis on the achievements and actions implemented to strengthen the fight against discrimination.