Mexico City – Saturday’s LGBTTTI Pride March along Paseo de la Reforma to the Zócalo saw massive crowds gather in support and celebration of sexual diversity.
Mexico City-based newspaper, El Universal, stated that over 175,000 took part in the march, while other sources suggested the numbers were much greater.

Among the rainbow flags and umbrellas, many of those taking part in the march carried banners with slogans like “Love is Love” and “Respect My Family, Respect My Freedom and Respect My Life.”
Roberta Jacobson, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, and Duncan Taylor, British Ambassador to Mexico, were some of the high-profile names that marched in support of LGBTTTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, transvestite, and intersex) equality and rights.
Mexico City’s march coincided with others across the globe, including London.