The News
Friday 28 of March 2025

Mexico City Sends Food to Chiapas, Oaxaca and Tabasco

Food and aid being received in Oaxaca, Mexico, after the devastating earthquake last Thursday,photo: Cuartoscuro
Food and aid being received in Oaxaca, Mexico, after the devastating earthquake last Thursday,photo: Cuartoscuro
The Ministry of Legal Affairs and Legal Services provided an in-kind donation of more than eight thousand kilos of products of various kinds, including toilet paper, soup, powdered soap and canned foods

The Mexico City government sent two trailers weighing 32.5 tons of food to the victims in the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Tabasco, to help in the aftermath of last Thursday’s 8.2-degree earthquake.

The Ministry of Legal Affairs and Legal Services provided an in-kind donation of more than 8,000 kilos of products of various kinds, including toilet paper, soup, powdered soap and canned foods.

With the participation of the Investigation Police (PDI) the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office (PGJ), the Deputy Attorney General’s Office and the Office of the Mayor (OM), another 4.5 tons were added and transported in nine vans.

The dispatch, carried out with the support of the Federal Police, also consists of necessary articles which were donated by citizens over the last few days, in the collection center installed outside the Old City Hall, in the Zócalo of Mexico City.

Meanwhile, the Public Localization Service (Locatel) will begin their journey in the coming days to transport the more than 10 thousand products collected at their facilities, in the Coyoacán borough.

The Mexico City government reminded those who wish to donate that they can do so at the collection center located in Zócalo, Plaza de la Constitución, which will remain open indefinitely, between the streets of 20 de Noviembre and 5 de Febrero, from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m daily.

Another collection center will also be opened at 113, Héroes del 47, in the San Mateo Churubusco neighborhood of Coyoacan. At the moment, bottled water, clothing and medications are not required.