On the second day of the Phase 1 Contingency declared in Mexico City due to the presence of high ozone levels, the capital’s mayor, Miguel Ángel Mancera, reproached the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (CAMe) the fact it did not apply measures to diminish the air pollution in all the states that integrate the organization.

During the inauguration of three transport corridors given in concession, Mancera Espinosa pointed out that only the country’s capital and some municipalities of the state of Mexico perform actions to improve air quality, such as the program Hoy No Circula (No Driving Day) a program to reduce pollution and lighten traffic. However, the other states members of the commission, Hidalgo, Puebla and Tlaxcala do not assume their responsibilities.
“Mexico City is doing its duty, here we have the Hoy No Circula program, but we don’t have it in all the others which is were theses gases come from and add up to what is produced in the city, which means that the Pre-Contingency phase is not the sole responsibility of Mexico City”, he exposed.

The mayor criticized the CAMe for the lack of homologation of criteria in environmental matters.
“This commission has done nothing more recently apart from announcing pre-contingencies and that is thanks to Mexico City, which has the monitors. You might wonder, how do we know we are exceeding desired levels? Because Mexico City measures it and if we didn’t there wouldn’t be a pre-contigency.”
The mayor concluded that no other state member of the commission has invested in monitoring systems or worried about health issues.