The News
Monday 17 of March 2025

Mancera Accuses Profepa of Unfairly Targeting Mexico City

Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera at a press conference, Wednesday, July 13, 2016,photo: Cuartoscuro/Isaac Esquivel
Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera at a press conference, Wednesday, July 13, 2016,photo: Cuartoscuro/Isaac Esquivel
The Mexico City Mayor asked President Enrique Peña Nieto to stop Profepa's "attacks" on the capital

Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera asked President Enrique Peña Nieto to intervene to prevent “attacks” on Mexico City by federal government dependencies, especially the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa).

Profepa has ordered many vehicle verification centers to close in Mexico City since new vehicle verification regulations came into effect in July.

“We know that a certain special prosecutor’s office is attacking the city,” said Mancera. “Everybody knows who I’m talking about. I need to talk to the president, because this is not right for Mexico City.”

In the first weeks of July, the government of Mexico City blamed Profepa for announcing new requirements that verification centers have their weights certified by independent laboratories, even after the Natural Resources and Environmental Secretariat (Semarnat) had approved their operations. After the new requirements were announced by Profepa, over 90 percent of verification centers closed to avoid sanctions.

Profepa head Guillermo Haro denied the accusations and said that the owners of verification centers were to blame for failing to comply with regulations.

Mancera said that he expects a reply from the president.