The News

Interior Security Law to be Postponed

CULIACÁN, SINALOA, 07OCTUBRE2016.- Un fuerte operativo por parte del Ejercito Mexicano y diferentes corporaciones policiacas del estado se realizo después de que un hombre fue asesinado en el interior del Hospital Civil. Las primeras lineas de investigación indican que se encontraban seis personas consumiendo bebidas embriagantes en un domicilio ubicado en la colonia Gabriel Leyva cuando se suscitó una riña dejando herido a la víctima, quien minutos después fuera rematada por sujetos armados en el Hospital. Durante el operativo se logro capturar a cinco de los presuntos responsables informo el titular de la policía ministerial Jesus Antonio Aguilar Iñiguez. Debido a la fuerte movilización, alumnos de un Jardín de Niños aledaño a los hechos, fueron evacuados con rapidez. FOTO: RASHIDE FRIAS.

In the Chamber of Deputies, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) parliamentary group rejected an extraordinary session to approve the Interior Security Law.

Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín, vice coordinator of the group, said that its is most likely that the approval will be postponed until the next period of legislative sessions, which begin in February. This is due to the fact that in January deputies and senators have work meetings with various secretaries and NGO experts.

“National security is our objective for the start of the new year. With this, we can also revise police command, whether it be unified or mixed, but it is essential that local police forces are in order,” Ramírez Marín said.

He said that the Interior Security Law will need to be able to adapt to the times and should clearly define how long the army will stay on the streets, what the protocol will be and in what situations they will be called upon for support.

Ramírez Marín said that the Secretary of Defense’s demand is valid because after 10 years of the army having left the barracks to help out with local security, they have not been provided with proper legal framework.