The News
Wednesday 22 of January 2025

Inmujeres Condemns Sexist Celebration

Veracruz celebrated International Women's Day with strippers and sexist jokes

The National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) condemned a celebration involving strippers and sexist jokes, that was organized for International Women’s Day by the Public Security Secretariat in Veracruz.

After promising to investigate and sanction this “shameful” event, Inmujeres said that these types of activities are an insult to all women, not just because they imply ignorance, but because they also encourage machismo and misogyny.

Strippers at International Women's Day celebration in Veracruz. Photo: Twitter.
Strippers at International Women’s Day celebration in Veracruz. Photo: Twitter/@claudiotv12dgo.

The organization said that the public servants are not driving actions that promote gender perspective, not fulfilling their promise to use non-sexist language and are using public resources to “trivialize” this important date, which has the potential to create an opportunity to reflect over the advances and challenges that women have overcome.

Inmujeres said that all three levels of government should be promotors of a deep cultural change in which women are valued and respected.

The institute said that International Women’s Day represents an important day to reflect over the many achievements that women have accomplished within their communities, states and countries. It is also a day to remember and discuss the challenges that women are still facing in today’s society and how to fight for their rights.

Inmujeres lamented that such an important day was trivialized and said that the best way to make up for these actions is to never let them happen again.