The News
Wednesday 12 of March 2025

INE Will Discuss Voter Data Verification Service

Upon the signing of the agreement, only private and public institutions that request the information will be granted access

The General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) has submitted for consideration to its members the implementation of a data verification service for voters, which will serve to guarantee the right of data protection of citizens within the Electoral Register.

“The service of verifying voter data will be provided only to private and public institutions that request it,” stresses the document.

In order to do this, they “must have the necessary verification and receive the respective amount of signatures for the infrastructure agreement,” as the draft agreement will be discussed during the regular session.

The electoral adviser, Enrique Andrade González, recalled in an interview with Banamex that an initial test was conducted and now the system will be extended to public and private institutions that request the information, upon the signing of the respective agreement.

Such institutions that are expected to request and use the information are public notaries, banks, prosecutors, municipal governments, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the Government Employees Social Security Institute (ISSSTE), the National Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit), and the Tax Administration Service (SAT) among others.