The News
Friday 14 of March 2025

INE Launches Data Verification Service

Officials stress that citizens' data will be stringently guarded

With the aim to avoid theft, usurpation and identity theft, the General Council of the National Electoral Institution (INE) approved the verification of voter credentials so that public and private institutions can consult in real time the data of people who purchase its services.

The counselors unanimously noted the increase in crimes associated with identity theft over the last few months, and will put a biometric scanner mechanism for the use of the institutions that ask for it. The mechanism will be able to authenticate the finger prints of the citizen that identifies with a voting credential, through the graphic correlation of finger prints stored in the database of the electoral roll.

“I should underline that this is a service that will be provided by express permission of the citizens in each case and will result in a simple affirmative or negative response about the specific query, said the Minister President Lorenzo Córdova.

According to advisers, last year close to 59 thousand people were victims of receiving credit cards, credit banking, mortgage and even tax credits that they did not apply for, on operations that were never made and services that did not apply.

I should underline that this is a service that will be provided by express permission of the citizens in each case and will result in a simple affirmative or negative response about the specific query.”

-Lorenzo Córdova. Minister President

Because of this, they insisted that the INE plays a fundamental role, since it has the most reliable and updated multi biometric data in the country, involving more than 85 million records of Mexicans. It was made clear that implementation of the system should be based on your consent, especially when involving a procedure to obtain or upgrade your voting credential.

“I must emphasize very strongly that this service at any time, I repeat, will never allow institutions access to the database of the register. This has been validated and verified by the National Institute of Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data,” said Córdova Vianello.

These measures will be of a temporary character while the National Electoral Institute puts in practice a procedure that informs the citizenry of the use of the voting credential as a means of personal identification. Tasks will also be carried out towards the dissemination of the service of verification of the data for voting credentials.