The News

Governor of Veracruz Must Respond to Allegations

41112022. Boca del Río.- Con la presencia del presidente de Odecabe, Héctor Cardona, junto con el comité ejecutivo de ese organismo regional, el director del general del Comité Organizador de la justa regional, Carlos Sosa Ahumada y el gobernador de Veracruz, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, arrancó la sesión de la Asamblea de la Organización Deportiva Centroamericana y del Caribe (Odecabe). NOTIMEX/FOTO/GUSTAVO DURAN/GDH/SPO/VERACRUZ14/

The governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, is required to respond to the series of accusations that have been made against him, asserted the ex-national leader of the PRI, Ivonne Ortega Pacheco, who rejected the theory that the scandals that Duarte has been involved with will caused his party to lose the governorship in the elections to take place on June 5.

“He’s obliged to answer, not just publicly but through the law that applies through the Superior Authority of the Federation,” said Ortega Pacheco. “He has to answer, because that’s what the law says.”

Javier Duarte de Ochoa shakes hands with ex-Spanish president José María Aznar during a press conference. Duarte may find photos ops more scarce in the weeks to come. Photo: Notimex/Julio Argumedo.

She said that Governor Duarte will have to follow through on his promise made to those who elected him, the people of Veracruz, and Héctor Yunes, PRI candidate for the governorship, and that he’ll have to be evaluated by the voters.

She expressed confidence that the people of Veracruz value what Héctor Yunes has done, that he’s a career politician with a bright future in the PRI, “and that gives him the conditions needed to take care of Veracruz.”

Ortega Pacheco insisted that Governor Duarte would have to respond to the alleged irregularities that the higher court uncovered in his administration.

He pointed out that the law says that observed parties have a period of 45 days to respond to all accusations and resolve irregularities. He said that if there is no response on the part of Javier Duarte, the higher court has legal mechanisms with which to proceed.