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Generalized ‘Hoy No Circula’ to End July 1

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 14JUNIO2016.- Antes de concluir el año, la Profepa se encarga de la revisión de los 409 verificentros que componen la Megalópolis para evitar irregularidades y actos corruptos, mejor conocidos como "dar el salto" a los automóviles. El verificentro localizado sobre Avenida Pacífico en la colonia Los Reyes es uno de los que son calificados por el público en general a través de redes sociales como "el de mejor servicio". FOTO: MARÍA JOSE MARTÍNEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Starting Friday, July 1, the generalized ‘Hoy No Circula’ will end and normal ‘Hoy No Circula’ will return. Under normal ‘Hoy No Circula,’ circulation of vehicles that perform well on emissions tests will not be restricted.

The return to normal ‘Hoy No Circula’ will be accompanied by the inauguration of a new system for vehicle emissions verification.

Environmental and Political Planning Undersecretary for the Natural Resources and Environmental Secretariat (Semarnat) Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo said that it is unlikely that generalized ‘Hoy No Circula’ will be extended because of the favorable air quality in the Valley of Mexico.

Lacy Tamayo said that the Megalopolis Environmental Commission (CAMe), which coordinated joint action between the six federative entities that form the Valley of Mexico’s megalopolis, has been very successful.

The new standard for emissions tests takes advantage of on-board diagnostics (OBD) systems that many newer vehicles are equipped with. It will allow emissions tests to be much more efficient.

“Little by little, we are moving towards a system with more citizen participation. Enforcement styles are going to be different,” said Lacy Tamayo.