Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, head of the Natural Resources and Environmental Secretariat (Semarnat), said that the federal government will focus on implementing more specific measures to regulate and monitor vehicle traffic and supervising the most polluting industries.
During a meeting with deputies from the Green Party (PVEM), Pacchiano Alamán said that, currently, there are nearly 3.8 million vehicles in service in the Valley of Mexico, which create 64 tons of nitrogen oxides.

That is why the measures of the Hoy No Circula program will be strengthened in July by including all vehicles in the program and conducting a more detailed regulation of public transport, he added.
Lawmaker Jesús Sesma Suárez said that the PVEM will hold a meeting with members of the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (CAMe), to implement actions to improve air quality, protect the environment and the health of the population, and stop the advance of climate change effects on the planet.
After the meeting, held at the Semarnat’s facilities, Sesma Suárez said that climate change has become an issue of national security, so his party will present a series of legislative proposals on the subject, to support the work being carried out by the federal government.
The members of the PVEM parliamentary group and Semarnat have similar concerns regarding the care for the environment and the protection of public health, so they need to collaborate, said Sesma Suárez.
The PVEM will present an initiative to update the regulatory framework with the aim of making gas stations modernize their equipment in order to avoid polluting emissions from reaching the atmosphere, he added.