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Dissident Teachers Begin Strike in Guerrero

CHILPANCINGO, GUERRERO, 15MAYO2016.- Profesores de la Coordinadora Estatal de Trabajadores de la Educación en Guerrero (CETEG), encabezados por Carlos Botello Barrera de la comisión política del Ceteg marcharon de la avenida Ruffo Figueroa con dirección a la residencia oficial, Casa Guererro, en donde pintaron leyendas en rechazo a la reforma educativa. Los docentes tomaron la avenida de la Juventud, donde de nueva cuenta realizaron pintas, en la delegación de la Policía Federal. Al llegar al palacio de Gobierno los manifestantes llevaron a cabo un mitin en donde expresaron su repudio hacia la Reforma Educativa FOTO: JOSÉ I. HERNÁNDEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

CHILPANCINGO — Teachers organized with the Education Workers’ Coordinator for the State of Guerrero (Ceteg), a dissident teachers’ union, started an indefinite strike Monday. The teachers oppose the federal government’s Education Reform as well as teacher evaluation programs, pay cuts and mass firings that have taken place in 2016.

The teachers marched from Ruffo Figueroa Avenue in Chilpancingo, where they maintain an occupation to demand justice for the 43 disappeared students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College, to the Cuernavaca-Acapulco highway, which they blocked for almost an hour on Monday afternoon. The leader of Ceteg, Ramos Reyes Guerrero, called on all teachers to unite with parents in an indefinite strike to defeat the educational reform.

Reyes Guerrero said that neither the threats of federal Secretary of Public Education Aurelio Nuño nor those of his counterpart in Guerrero, José Luis González de la Vega, will intimidate the teachers.