The News
Wednesday 12 of March 2025

Delivery of Voter Cards Ends in 13 States

INE said in a statement that all citizens should remember that only those who have voter cards in regulation may participate on the elections of June 5

The National Electoral Institute (INE) said the deadline for collecting voter cards that were requested or updated throughout the 13 states which will hold elections on June 5 ends March 1.

All citizens who carried out the process of registering for the electoral roll for the first time and those who requested a renewal, upgrade or replacement of their cards and have yet to collect them, have until Tuesday 12 a.m. to pick them up from the Citizen Attention Module where they requested them.

50114047. Puebla, Pue.- Largas filas se observan en los módulos del INE de la ciudad de Puebla ya que el próximo 15 de enero a las 24:00 vence el plazo para realizar el trámite y obtener la credencial de elector y así votar en las próximas elecciones federales. NOTIMEX/FOTO/CARLOS PACHECO/CPP/POL/
The deadline for collecting voter cards throughout the 13 states which will hold elections on June 5 ends March 1. Photo: Notimex/Carlos Pacheco

The INE said in a statement that all citizens should remember that only those who have voter cards in regulation may participate on the elections of June 5. In the case of people who do not retrieve their cards, they will be kept in a bank vault until June 6. After this date, people can retrieve them again when they choose.

The 12 states which will hold elections for governor on June 5 are Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Veracruz and Durango. Baja California will hold elections for the local Congress and mayors.

50114048. Puebla, Pue.- Largas filas se observan en los módulos del INE de la ciudad de Puebla ya que el próximo 15 de enero a las 24:00 vence el plazo para realizar el trámite y obtener la credencial de elector y así votar en las próximas elecciones federales. NOTIMEX/FOTO/CARLOS PACHECO/CPP/POL/
All citizens should remember that only those who have voter cards in regulation may participate on the elections of June 5. Photo: Notimex/Carlos Pacheco