MEXICO CITY – The president of the Superior Court of the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF), Constancio Carrasco Daza, proposed taking the opportunity that represents the integration of the Constituent Assembly of Mexico City to build a vanguard political constitution.
He said it is the logic of the inter-American human rights system, which is the benchmark for the exercise of political pluralism and the full development of political rights of its inhabitants.
“A constitution that respects the plurality of thought, the free development of personality, the full exercise of political rights and, most importantly, that respects human dignity,” he said in a statement.
By participating in the Mexico City Electoral Reform, an Electoral Legal Framework of Vanguard forum which was held in the Federal District Legislative Assembly (ALDF), Carrasco Daza said that apart from the other major challenges the 100 deputies will have in June, will be to form part of the Constituent Assembly.

One, he said, considering that women and men who are in pre-trial detention or subject to criminal proceedings are entitled to cast their vote; and two, to privilege public policy debate between candidates and parties during campaigns, to build a more participatory citizenship.
In addition, to review the selection methods of administrative electoral authorities in charge of disciplinary proceedings in Mexico City.
The president of the TEPJF reiterated that the Constituent Assembly is faced with the historic opportunity to achieve first politial constitution of Mexico City will be a vanguard creation.
He raised the vote of women and men in prison, saying that “The right to reintegration is a human right enshrined in the Constitution.”