The News
Monday 31 of March 2025

'Colector Constituyentes' Project Unknown To Neighboorhood Residents

Construction excavation equipment was seen in the Condesa neighborhood, at the streets Juan de la Barrera and Mazatlan.,photo: Saúl López/Cuartoscuro
Construction excavation equipment was seen in the Condesa neighborhood, at the streets Juan de la Barrera and Mazatlan.,photo: Saúl López/Cuartoscuro
Work began on the water collection and drainage system in San Miguel Chapultepec and Condesa

MEXICO CITY — Last week, the Mexico City Water System (Sacmex), began construction of the ‘Colector Constituyentes’ in the  San Miguel Chapultepec and Condesa neighborhoods, as residents unaware of the project could be affected by water cuts.

Capital Mexico toured the construction site delineated by Avenida Constituyentes and streets Salvatierra, Juan de la Barrera and Cuernavaca — where the project will join with an existing water trapping or collection system — during which they realized that most residents were not aware of the construction works, feeling disconnected from the reasons and benefits of the project.

According to Mexico City government authorities, several streets of these neighborhoods, located in the borough of Miguel Hidalgo, suffer severe flooding during the rainy season caused by the underground train installation of Metro Line 1 of the Collective Transport System (STC) that runs from Pantitlán to Observatorio.

The works are to replace and renovate the water infrastructure to expand the rainwater drainage capacity.

A resident, who lives on Mazatlan street, between Juan de la Barrera and Juan Escutia in the Condesa neighborhood, said that each year the street is affected by floods and welcomes the construction that works to reverse the situation. However, she says that city authorities should inform citizens of the works they are to perform, to avoid confrontations from the road closures or misunderstandings that deter or slow down this sort of remediation work.

“Every year strainers beneath the water on Constituyentes, that sits right in front of my house, become saturated, and I think these works, although not seen or advertised, are works that serve us and we hope to see the effects some time soon,” she said.

“Neighbors unaware of Colector Constituyentes project,” Tweeted Radio Capital.