Isabel García Velasco, member of the national committee of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), denied that Section 22 of the union had met with or made agreements with Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), leader of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). The CNTE members who signed an agreement with AMLO yesterday did so without official approval from the CNTE.
García Velasco emphasized that any agreement made between the CNTE and a candidate or elected official will not be enforced. She explained that directors of the CNTE, like those that signed the agreement with AMLO, are not permitted to make pacts with candidates, especially in states like Oaxaca, which is nearing elections.
She said that the CNTE has been clear in its principles and will not allow any official or member teacher to compromise Section 22. The members who signed the agreement with AMLO may face official sanction from the CNTE.
García Velasco said that there would be a vote of punishment for all parties that signed the Pact for Mexico and restated that Section 22 had no official meetings with AMLO and signed no agreements with him.
Esteban Batory Sandorf