According to the (FGE), the human remains found in containers with acid in Andrés Calpan do correspond to the people abducted at the Cuautlanchingo clandestine cockfight.

Photo: Cuartoscuro/Diego Simón Sánchez
After diverse analysis by forensic anthropologists, and in stomatology and genetics, ministerial sources indicated that there are proofs that allow to confirm that the bodies correspond to the those kidnapped in Cuautlancingo.
Authorities however did not determine the number of bodies and discarded that among these were any women or minors.
The FGE informed through a report that in total 10 plastic containers were secured with nine plastic bags containing human remains, clothes and acid.
Once the proofs were collected, medical experts used specialized equipment to establish the bodies were those of adult males.
Local news outlets immediately echoed the news and were present at the site, a peaceful area near the state capital that had until now be known for its nature.
Cadáveres en tambos son los levantados de Cuautlancingo: FGE
— Capital Puebla (@CapitalPue) March 7, 2016
On these facts the FGE informed that six formal complaints had been lodged for the disappearances of José Domingo Nava, 23 years old, originally from Chilpancingo, Guerrero; Santiago Jorge Medina Guevara, 45 years old, from Chignahuapan; Iván Flores Soledad, 30 years old, from San Martín Texmelucan, José Marco Antonio Alvarado Alcázar, 45 years old, from Michoacán; Lauro Luna Garrido, 63 years old, from Acatzingo; and José Luis Magaña Villalobos, 40 years age, from Michoacán.