The News
Thursday 06 of March 2025

Sociologist Accuses Bishops of Violating the Constitution

People involved with the Catholic Church walk in ´March for the Family´in Cuernavava, Morelos,photo: Cuartoscuro/Margarito Pérez Retana
People involved with the Catholic Church walk in ´March for the Family´in Cuernavava, Morelos,photo: Cuartoscuro/Margarito Pérez Retana
According to article 130 of the constitution, religious leaders are not allowed to participate in public meetings or oppose the law

Professor of Sociology at the Colegio de México Roberto Blancarte Pimentel denounced the bishops who marched against same-sex marriage in various cities on the Saturday, Sept. 10, and accused them of violating the Mexican constitution at a Senate hearing Tuesday. 

The forum, titled “Same-sex Marriage” took place in the Senate on Tuesday in response to the protests.

Blancarte Pimental added that the church continues to fail to separate itself from the state. He said that according to article 130 of the constitution, religious leaders are not allowed to participate in public meetings or express opposition to the law in any way.