The News
Friday 14 of March 2025

Benjamín Robles Leaves PRD

It is clear that the doors of the PRD are closed to democracy and institutional change, said Robles

Former candidate for governor of Oaxaca Benjamín Robles informed Ángel Ávila, the president of the Democratic Revolution Party’s (PRD) National Council, about his resignation from the party ranks. Robles said that the political institution is being kidnapped by a minority that has made a pact with the established powers and is selling itself to the highest bidders.

“I do not agree with the minority that today leads the party and which imposes their will on relevant decisions. It is a minority that has made a pact with the established powers and not the people. It has abandoned its principles and surrendered to the hands of those who bid the most money,” said Robles.

50430064. México, D.F.- El senador Benjamín Robles Montoya acompañado de los senadores Francisco Búrquez y Héctor Larios en conferencia de prensa hablaron de la moción suspensiva para que la Ley Ficrea sea devuelta a comisiones para su mayor análisis. NOTIMEX/FOTO/NICOLAS TAVIRA/NTA/POL /
Robles said that the political institution is being kidnapped by a minority. Photo: Notimex/Nicolás Tavira

He said that despite promoting agreements and changes within the party and proposing democratic mechanisms to ensure its rescue as a political option for citizens, now it is clear that the doors of the PRD are closed to democracy and institutional change.