The News
Monday 31 of March 2025

Behavioral Science From the UAEM Organizes Neuroscience and Psychology Forum

Leading experts from Mexican institutions were brought together to discuss relevant themes

With the aim of bringing a specialized approach to neurosciences and their relation to psychology to both students and health professionals, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico organized its second Forum of Neurosciences and Psychology of the Faculty of Behavioral Science.

During the inauguration of this academic event, the director of university space, Gutiérrez Romero, stated the importance of Neurosciences in the education of Psychology professionals, since it brings explanations on normal and pathological conducts and is a decisive step towards reaching a better understanding of processes of sickness and health.

The university official stressed that this academic event reunited specialists and investigators from the Mexican Social Security Institute, the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubiran”, the National Institute for Neurology, the “Federico Gómez” Hospital for Children, The “Ramón de la Fuente” National Psychiatric hospital and the UAEM itself.

Some of the themes covered during the forum were: Phonological Disorders: Neurobiological aspects, Brain Mechanisms, Genesis of Consciousness in Infancy, Neuroscience of the Multi-linguistic, Neuroscience of Anger, Domestic Anger and Aggression, Night Terrors, the Brain of a Killer and Experimental Anger Management.

This forum emerged from the necessity for psychologists to have a training in neurosciences, which is important due to the advances in this discipline in the last decades, while certain limitations of working in health solely from a behavioral perspective became apparent.