The News
Saturday 08 of March 2025

Airlift Activated for Food Supplies to Oaxaca

Six planes will be launched by the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) from the
Six planes will be launched by the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) from the "Hermanos Serdán" International Airport in Puebla, loaded with food supplies for Oaxaca,photo: Notimex/Gustavo Durán
Secretary Meade Kuribreña said over 600 tons of food supplies are being flown for availability at Oaxacan stores

HUEJOTZINGO, Puebla — The first six aircraft from the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), left this morning loaded with food to supply the Diconsa stores in the Istmo and Costa de Oaxaca regions, from the Hermanos Serdán International Airport in Puebla.

60630018. Huejotzingo, Puebla, 30 Jun. 2016 (Notimex-Gustavo Durán).- Previo al despegue del primero de seis aviones de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), en el Aeropuerto Internacional “Hermanos Serdán”, en Puebla. El secretario de Desarrollo Social, José Antonio Meade, informó que en total serán 600 toneladas de víveres, las que se enviarán a las tiendas Diconsa en la costa Oaxaqueña, contando los vuelos desde Puebla y el despliegue terrestre partiendo de Guerrero. NOTIMEX/FOTO/GUSTAVO DURÁN/GDH/POL/
Social Development Secretary Jose Antonio Meade Kuribreña reported that in total there will be 600 tons of food, which will be sent to the Diconsa stores on the Oaxacan coast. Photo Notimex/Gustavo Durán

In an interview before the departure of the aircraft, Social Development Secretary José Antonio Meade Kuribreña said that there will be over 600 tons of food in total which will be sent to the Diconsa stores on the Oaxacan coast, counting the flights from Puebla for their deployment apart from those over land from Guerrero.

This operation is equivalent to 15 days of consumption, 108 tons via air and 500 by land.

The C-130 Hercules Matricula 3616 aircraft loaded with approximately 18 tons of mainly corn, powdered milk, beans and canned goods, is the first of six that will fly Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

In the central valley region there are 90 percent of supplies, but in the coastal region the number is barely 30 percent, said Meade Kuribreña.

The flights will arrive in Huatulco and Puerto Escondido, where the food will be distributed to five rural warehouses for the benefit of 300,000 people.

Meade Kuribreña said that a quarter of Diconsa’s sales is corn and that “nothing should come before the basic needs” and lamented that the situation in Oaxaca is affecting the state’s population in this manner.

The costs for logistical changes are being absorbed by Diconsa and they are already monitoring the prevailing situation in Chiapas, he said.