MEXICO CITY – The Federal Auditing Agency (ASF) found that only two percent of the nationwide permit holders pay for water consumption.
Roberto Salcedo Aquino, Special Performance Auditor of the ASF, said there is a mismanagement of the vital liquid, as they are giving permission but not paying for its consumption.
“Water permits have been given and they not being metered. We do not know how much water they are taking, by those with permits, and also only 2 percent of permit holders are paying for water,” stated Salcedo Quino.

He said that the situation is very complicated and therefore water has become an issue of national security.
At a meeting with deputies of the Monitoring Committee, Salcedo Aquino commented that in 2000 there were 14,000 cubic meters of water per inhabitant, but in 2016, due to the deterioration in the quality and quantity of water, there are 3,500 cubic meters per inhabitant; 5,000 cubic meters below international standards.
“In 2000 we were calm, but the deterioration of the quality and quantity of water in 2014 forced laws to be made that water is an issue of national security and is so declared,” said Salcedo Aquino.
Also, the special performance auditor reported that, despite the small amount of water accessible to Mexico, only 47 percent is treated and the rest will pollute other bodies of water.
Another irregularity detected the ASF is that the program “Quien contamina paga” (Who Pollutes, Pays) is only applied in very isolated cases.