The News
Tuesday 04 of March 2025

What You're Doing This Weekend In Mexico City

Happy first weekend of spring!,photo: Pixabay
Happy first weekend of spring!,photo: Pixabay
Bugs, monsters and walking tours


Channel your inner Pumbaa and go for the jointed and slimy treats El Bonito Tianguis has prepared for this weekend. Scorpions, tarantula and beetles are some of the delicacies that will be available during the third edition of the Festín de Insectos Comestibles (Edible Insect Feast) hosted in Huerto Roma Verde. The event runs all weekend from 12-6 p.m. and entrance is free.


Monsters exist nowhere but the human mind, which always finds a way to materialize them through masks, paintings or sculptures. To meet the vast array of creatures that made their way from the imaginary to the material and into the collection of the Museo de Arte Moderno (MAM), visit Monstruosismos. The exhibition is divided into four sections that encompass different stances in which the abnormal or grotesque occur. Montruosismos is the first of a two part series curated by editor and writer Daniela Tarazona along with the MAM and the Museo Mural Diego Rivera. Entrance is 60 pesos and doors open at 10:15 a.m.


Walking tours are the best way to get better acquainted to any city, to understand its nooks and their historic significance. To get a new perspective on the city and its LGBTTTI history, join the Jotitur led by historian Alonso Hernández who not only approaches topics of sexuality and dissidence but also of material heritage. The tour departs from the corner of Donceles and Argentina at 10 a.m. and costs 200 pesos. You must register beforehand at [email protected].

French was once the official language of diplomacy and will always be the unofficial language of love. Celebrate “la francophonie” with the amazing Noche de Poesía Francófona, an event that features readings, screenings and even breakfast — since it runs from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Among the guest artists gathered for the soirée at the beautiful Casa de Francia are singer Mina Agossi, poet and novelist Kously Lamko and playwright Eugène Green. The event is free.


To pass the Bechdel-Wallace test, a movie must feature at least two women who talk about anything other than men which, needless to say, most movies fail miserably. Hence, the cinema season organized by the Museo Nacional de Arte comes as breath of fresh air with the program Universo Femenino which screens films with only female protagonists. This week’s selection is Ópera (11 a.m.) and Acosada (4 p.m.). Entrance is free.

Literature buffs, here is the walking tour you’ve been waiting for: the Distrito Bolaño tour. Follow writer Leonardo Tarifeño around Mexico City’s downtown and retrace the steps of the Chilean author through the streets that fueled “Amulet” and “The Savage Detectives.” Tour starts at 6 p.m. from the corner of Argentina and Donceles. It is free, but registration is needed, call 5529-4294 or 5772-2242 ext. 6727 for more information.