The News
Monday 31 of March 2025

UAEM has great strengths

UAEM Grandes
UAEM Grandes

The rector headed the event in which the certifier body American Trust Register recognized the teaching institution for its favorable results in its management processes.

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (by its spanish abbreviation UAEM) has great strengths in its democratic planning, a critical participation from its community and the management capacity to get around adverse economic stages, the rector Alfredo Barrera Baca stated. By heading the event in which the certifier body American Trust Register (ATR) recognized the teaching institution by its favorable results in its management processes, the rector maintained that this recognition “is the natural result of intense work made to refine administrative actions in the perspective of product and service effectiveness that the institution offers”.

In the closure of the Quality Management System and the awards ceremony of the Quality Circles 2017, in which the legal representative and comercial subdirector of ATR appeared, Luis Carlos Martínez Quiñones, asserted that the institution has a defined strategy that includes transparent accountability and a spirit towards quality.

While handing recognitions to the five projects in the final of Quality circles, from a total of 46 projects registered, Alfredo Barrera Baca expressed his recognition to the participants for improving the UAEM’s mission to have in mind the user’s diversity that require service provision, with which the institution consolidates its modernization.

Luis Carlos Martinez extended his congratulations to the university community, before the Secretary of Administration, Javier González Martínez and the Secretary of Institutional Planning and Development, Héctor Campos Alanis; for the effort in implementing an effective management system.

In the auditory “Ing. José Yurrieta Valdés” in the UAEM’s Administrative Building, Luis Carlos Martínez stated that, by not having any notes in the audit process, the university’s mission is to put in effect new processes of strategic management.

In the presence of the Administrative Organization and Development director, Zuraya Libién Maldonado, González Martínez emphasized that, in its search for excellence and its perseverance, the UAEM relies on a Quality Management System with 112 certified processes.

The Administration Secretary of the university informed that the external audit was made from the 15th to the 17th of November 2017; considering 32 processes focussed to the fundamental functions of this teaching institution and pointed out that soon the institution will change to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The winners of the Quality Circles were: “Dr. Ángel María Garibay K.” high school of its Escuela Preparatoria, the Agricultural Sciences Faculty, the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics Faculty, the Direction of Information and Communication Technologies and the University Centre UAEM Tenancingo.