The News
Friday 28 of March 2025

UAEM consolidates academic and scientific ties with the world

UAEM Consolida
UAEM Consolida

When making academic mobility, university students collapse economic, geographical, historical and cultural obstacles, said the rector of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Barrera Baca.

During the delivery of 32 international mobility and 10 national mobility scholarships, as well as instruments to the University Band of Marcha de Toluca, by the UAEMéx Foundation, the rector said that these supports allow this house of studies to consolidate its internationalization and academic and scientific ties with the world.

Accompanied by the president of the UAEMéx Foundation, Humberto Benítez Treviño; the heads of the Extension and Liaison Secretariats, Jannet Valero Vilchis, and International Cooperation, María del Pilar Ampudia García, the rector said that “through support for the delivery of scholarships, companies and graduates encourage co-responsibility of university students”.

He said that in the midst of the economic difficulties facing the country, it is encouraging the number of incentives that young people receive to train academically in other parts of the world and other institutions of higher education in the country.

He stressed that based on the Master Plan for Institutional Development 2017-2021, the UAEM will be fully and actively integrated into the  knowledge society.

“It is essential to learn with the world to have a formidable university.”

To the university students benefited with these supports, Alfredo Barrera Baca assured them that “academic mobility is a requirement of our days to learn from the other and expand our possibilities without restrictions to build in globalization, an inexhaustible opportunity for personal and professional fulfillment”.

Humberto Benítez Treviño stressed that the UAEMéx Foundation is an instrument of the highest house of studies in Mexico, one of the best institutions of higher education in the country, to achieve innovation and excellence.

“The university students who benefit from these scholarships initiate an experience abroad or in another state of our country and at the same time, they acquire the commitment to investigate, to seek knowledge, even when they have finished their formal studies,” he concluded.