The News
Friday 28 of March 2025

How You're Helping This Weekend

Red Cross logo stamped on the side of a Mexican Red Cross ambulance,photo: Wikimedia
Red Cross logo stamped on the side of a Mexican Red Cross ambulance,photo: Wikimedia
Donate, volunteer and be safe

The 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on Tuesday has affected all of us living in Mexico, which is why the staff here at The News has decided to forgo our weekly columns in order to provide information for those who want to help the relief efforts over the weekend.


Many relief centers across Mexico City and Mexico, have been overwhelmed with volunteers and supplies while others are still in desperate need of both.

A major problem in the past few days has been the fact that incorrect information has been circulating in social media which has led to some relief centers receiving too much of some items that are not as vital as others.

You don’t need to travel far this weekend to find a relief center, check your block and surrounding areas, this way you’ll help reduce traffic and allow for emergency vehicles, volunteers, rescuers and safety crews to have more mobility.

Ask your local relief center if you can help distribute their supplies to other parts of the city.

We recommend that you double check the time of every social media post, news report and text messages in order to direct your help at the time and place where it’s most needed.

Things that are readily available in most supermarkets have been donated plentifully; think of those things that most people don’t buy. The most in need that we have seen posted on social media are medications, specially for children and babies, and baby supplies like diapers, talcum powder and creams.

A lot of people have been donating prepared food such as sandwiches to relief centers which is not recommended due to the fact that prepared meals have a limited shelf life. Focus on canned foods with a high shelf life.


In order to avoid confussion and scams, the two organizations that can make the best out of your donations are the Mexican Red Cross and rescue group Topos Mexico. These are the accounts open for each group.

Topos Mexico

Bank: Santander

Account number: 92000709294

Account key: 014180920007092942

Mexican Red Cross

Bank: Bancomer

Account number: 0404040406

Account key: 0121800040404040062


We encourage you to make donations to other rescue groups, however we recommend that if you donate through a link posted in social media, make sure that the account is verified in order to avoid scams.


You can keep an eye out in social media and Whatsapp for locations asking for volunteers, however, the easiest way to volunteer is to use your house, business and means of transportation to accept and distribute supplies across your city.

Rescue efforts will be coming to an end in the next few days so focus your help on shelters, helping to asses the damage on structures, relocating children whose schools have been damaged and offering your house for those who have been left homeless.

Many pets are still missing, you can take your friends and help collect any animal that you think might be lost.


– Try to keep traffic at a minimum try to work from home if you can.

– If you haven’t already, call Civil Protection Agency or have a specialist to come and inspect your home or office, if you receive a negative inspection, don’t put yourself at risk and evacuate your home and inform your neighbors.

– If you are renting a property, make sure that your landlord has a clear report of the damages and that he fixes every problem in order to avoid future damages.

– Keep an emergency kit in a safe and accessible area in preparation for aftershocks or future earthquakes.

– Help in any way you can, even the smallest actions can change someone’s situation.