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Excessive Use of Electronic Devices May Cause Eye Conditions

51113051. León, Gto., 13 Nov 2015 (Notimex-IMSS).- Uno de los padecimientos que pueden llegar a afectar la visión es la conjuntivitis, refirió el especialista Luis Miguel López, jefe del servicio de oftalmología de la Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad No. 1 del IMSS. NOTIMEX/FOTO/IMSS/COR/HTH

Martín Gallegos Duarte, coordinator of the Optometry Department of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ), said that excessive use of cell phones, computers or tablets may cause serious complications in the eye such as myopia or even macular degeneration.

“Those devices are essential tools for many people, but they emit a large amount of blue light, which has a particular wavelength that enters the eye from the inner part of the retina, reaches the area of the macula and may cause irreversible degenerative damage,” said Gallegos Duarte.

Macular degeneration is a disorder that slowly impairs central and acute vision and is very common in the elderly. However, the condition has been found on younger people. The cause may be their constant use of electronic devices with screens that project blue light, he added.