Barrio Santa Fe used to be an abandoned space that at night could turn dangerous. The plan was to transform this area that was both abandoned and under-utilized into a place where people could spend the day. An urban park for the general public and a good area for the community. A place where the architecture, nature and dynamism could come together as one. They achieved all that and more. Here at the News, we had the pleasure of attending the beautiful VIP Opening of Barrio Santa Fe.
The event was absolutely as gorgeous as the area itself. Delicious canapés were served alongside drinks like mimosas, water and orange juice. This was all done with the support of the State Government and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera. After a few words by Roberto Aboumrad, the opening ribbon was cut. The area was blessed with a wonderful sculpture by Zaha Hadid and mural by Edgar Saner both of which add to the beauty and meaning of the place.

Speaking of Saner, we got a chance to ask him a few questions about what it meant to him.
What does it mean to you and why did you choose to create Barrio Santa Fe in this way?
For me, the meaning is very important, being part of a project as great as this one is something very motivating. At the end of the day, this is for the community and society. Being part of something that is meant to be an exchange of culture and thoughts is very important. I decided to make the mural under this concept. This space alone transmits a lot of things which are there on the wall.
I really like the idea of the hummingbird, that is a hummingbird correct?
There are a various symbols in the mural that are very important. The hummingbird is like the warrior who is reborn, just like this space is being reborn. This place used to be abandoned and it was given the ability to be reborn, just like a warrior symbolized by the hummingbird. The other characters in the mural also tell the story of what is going to happen here.
Who was your inspiration? Any muralist or artist in particular?
The biggest inspiration I’ve had in my career is the muralist movement in general, plus some classic movements. I also like Cubism. I think you can take anything from any artistic current. You just need an artist that impacts you and to find a way in which you modify it into your way of seeing the world. You have to take all of the inspiration and use it to create your own vision.

Is there any meaning behind the masks? And why you choose those in particular?
I’ve worked with the symbol of the mask for a number of years. What it can hide and how they can reveal who you truly are. The combination between your natural side, your animal side and your spiritual side. When one manages to make that connection, you see their true face. This is a world full of masks and it’s not always a physical mask, but rather superficial ones like, for example, clothing. When you truly feel like your self, it doesn’t matter what you’ve got on because the essence is already you.
Why did you decide on the color pink?
Mexico isn’t afraid of vibrant colors, especially Mexican Pink. When foreigners come and see a house painted in this tone of pink, they fall in love with it because it’s not something they see where they come from. But here, it’s something we cherish in a wonderful way. I think it’s necessary and fundamental to experiment with these vibrant colors that make us feel alive.