The News
Thursday 13 of March 2025

Forecast Shows 2.44 Percent GDP Growth for Mexico

Mexico's GDP growth faces diverging forecasts,photo: Cuartoscuro/Tercero Díaz
Mexico's GDP growth faces diverging forecasts,photo: Cuartoscuro/Tercero Díaz
Economic analysts from the private sector increased the growth forecasts for Mexico’s GDP for the end of 2016

Economic analysts from the private sector again increased the growth forecasts for Mexico’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the end of 2016, anticipating it will reach 2.44 percent, from an original 2.41 percent of previous estimates.

In contrast, the survey carried out by Mexico’s Central Bank (Banxico) for the 2017 economic forecast decreased marginally, from 2.86 percent to 2.84 percent.

The forecasts for inflation also decreased in May, with estimates on 3.11 percent compared to a former 3.19 percent, as 2017 estimates remained at 3.35 percent.

Lesser offer of resources from abroad and the levels of interest rates  were among the factors that could complicate forecasts.